
Sunday, April 3, 2011

In Love with Ice Kacang

 Still remember the time
When the cafe of our UPM Kolej Serumpun haven't been renovate yet..
That time
There is a stall situated at the middle of the cafe
who sell the super delicious Ice Kacang

Can you imagine that having this big bowl of Ice Kacang during the crazy hot summer time?
It's such an "A-class enjoyment"

This is Yun Yun's favourite
Ice Cream toppings on the Ice Kacang
Ice Kacang had became our "must have meal"
after we finished our co-curricular activities on Saturday
We always treat it as a reward for ourselves 
after going through such a tiring activities early in the Saturday morning

After the renovation of our cafe
This stall is not available anymore

The Ice Kacang's amazing cool and sweet sensation 
Will always stay in our heart..
and never melt.. =)

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