
Saturday, April 2, 2011


Japanese food has getting more and more common in Malaysia
This is also one of Yun Yun's favourite food

This is what we usually eat every time we went Sungai Wang Plaza
Tako Tao
which is so-called "Takoyaki"
There are various kinds of flavors which suite different demands of customers

Every time after purchasing
Yun Yun loves to eat this Takoyaki while there is still hot smoke bubbling out from it
Although the mouth will feel very hot
but it seems to be a pleasure and enjoyable meal
Maybe this is so-called the taste of youth?
Hehe =P

Oh ya
One important reminder
Takoyaki must be eaten while it is hot
Because the delicious taste will lost with the decreasing of its temperature

Take a look on the rich mayonnaise which spread fully on the top of Takoyaki
Do u wish to taste one?

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